Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Guide to Learning Business English

A Guide to Learning Business English Want to Learn Business English? Here’s All the Important Stuff ChaptersBusiness English Courses across the UKImportant Vocabulary for Business EnglishBusiness English Exams You Might Want to ConsiderHow to Learn Business English? Some Books and ResourcesEnglish remains the most popular language in the world to learn. One and a half billion people are learning the language. The second highest, by the way, is French â€" which eighty-two million people are learning.This is because English is still one of the world’s most important languages for diplomacy, culture, and â€" importantly here â€" business, being something of a lingua franca across all of the regions of the planet. So, when you are considering whether or not to learn English, this might be something you’ll want to remember.Learning Business English?Whilst the English language is hugely important generally, we’re going to look specifically at the specific niche field within English language learning. That’s what we call ‘business English’. And whilst it in no real sense const itutes a separate language, it does have its own vocabulary, contexts, and manners of speaking.What is appropriate on the street in England is not necessarily appropriate language in the business context. So, if you are looking to improve your English specifically for business purposes â€" to find employment in the UK or US, to seek a promotion, or to deal with English businesspeople internationally â€" it is worth homing in on business language skills when learning.You’ll be covering the basics of the language here too â€" as grammar and pronunciation, along with your speaking skills and listening skills, reading skills and writing skills, can all be learned alongside the specific business vocabulary and concerns. So, don’t you worry about not getting a proper linguistic education when learning business English.Here, we’re going to be looking at all of the things you will need to ensure you get a proper education when learning business English. We’ll share the best places f or you to look for English lessons, we’ll share some handy resources, and we’ll give you a guide to the exams for business English too.Have fun! Welcome to the world of business English.What You’ll Learn in Business EnglishBusiness English is the particular training English language learners receive if they are preparing for â€" or hoping to develop â€" a career in business. There is obviously no specific language as ‘business English’ â€" although it does have a few quirks that you’ll have to add to your English skills.Business English courses are intended to have you speak English fluently in the contexts that business requires. You’ll be developing your presentation and negotiation skills. You’ll be preparing to contribute effectively in meetings and other business discussions. And you’ll be getting to grips with the appropriate language to use in business telephone calls and emails.Alongside this, you’ll have to learn specific English vocabulary that, really, is only used in business contexts: the specific terms in finance, economics, and management â€" as well as the more casual office slang.All of this w ill help you fit in and flourish. And if there is ever a reason to learn something, it is this. JulianESOL (English) Teacher 4.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EugeneESOL (English) Teacher 4.90 (58) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HelenESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (20) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuzanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (2) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (8) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelESOL (English) Teacher 4.83 (41) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanneESOL (English) Teacher 5.00 (43) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBusiness English Courses across the UKAcross the UK, there are so many opportunities for learning English as a second language. In every major city in the country there’ll be at least one language school â€" and prob ably many many more besides.However, there are different ways that language courses work. Some are directed towards an exam â€" such as the IELTS or, as you’ll see below, the BEC â€" whilst some are purely conversational. Then there are the private English tutors too, who can teach you pretty much anything you like.Business English Classes LondonIn London, anyone who wants to learn to speak English is spoiled for choice. With its eight million inhabitants, there is enough stuffed into the great British capital for it to appeal to anyone.For those who want to develop their business English language skills, try the London School of English â€" which has been going for over a century â€" or St George International. Both do very effective business English teaching.Learn Business English in ScotlandIn the most beautiful region of the UK, there is a wealth of opportunity too. Let’s take an example from Edinburgh.ECS Scotland, which is based in Charlotte Square, is a reputed institutio n that teaches business English. You’ll be writing emails and answering phone calls â€" just as exercises obviously â€" whilst practising your negotiating.These are intensive courses running weekly. Tutors are the best way to learn business EnglishThe Beauty of a Private TutorAnother option, anywhere in the UK, is to find yourself a private English tutor. If these are native English speakers, you are really onto a winner â€" as conversations with native speakers are your best way of learning a language.Whether you want to just use your new language or work to an exam, a tutor can get you learning.Find out more about business English courses!Important Vocabulary for Business EnglishAs we said, there are many bits of new vocabulary that you will have to learn in your development of your business English. Whilst business English obviously isn’t a different language, there are many people who complain about the obscure jargon and slang that businesspeople use.So, good luck! It really isn’t that bad â€" and you’ll be using these words and phrases happily yourself in no time.Find out more about them in our article on business English vocabulary!Basic Business TermsAs you’ll kn ow from glancing at any business newspaper, the business world likes its idioms. This is fair enough, honestly: every discipline or niche in the world develops its own specific words for things.When you are developing your business English fluency, you’ll need to nail the basics. Do you know what a business plan is, or a forecast? Could you tell a merger from an acquisition?These are the things that you’ll need to know.Office LingoMeanwhile, there are particularly expressions that fly around most office spaces. It’s unclear where people got all these from â€" however, it’s this really that gets people outside the business world laughing.In business, you don’t do something; you action it. You don’t so much consider what will happen tomorrow; you consider what you’ll action going forward.It’s confusing maybe â€" but you’ll get the hang of it.AbbreviationsFinally, there’s the shorthand that you will need to pick up.Do you know the difference between HR and PR? The d ifference between vbw and AOB? The subtleties of ASAP and ETA?In any language, there are senses to words that you can only pick up through use and practice. Just keep up your speaking and you’ll be there.Business English Exams You Might Want to ConsiderMany students of English are concerned about the examinations and qualifications they will take or pick up during their studies. They are right to be: qualifications open doors â€" and they give you the learner the sense of achievement and continuing progress. They are good things â€" if sometimes a little expensive.The qualifications for business English come in two different shapes. The main ones are provided by two different accreditors. Firstly, there is Cambridge Assessment, who, alongside the British Council, are the big dogs of English language teaching. Then there is Pearson.BECsThe Cambridge Assessment qualifications in business English are known as BECs â€" Business English Certificates. There are three of these, of progre ssive difficulty â€" and they are internationally recognised by businesses and universities across the world.You can expect each of the examinations to take you over two hours â€" and they will take place in an accredited testing centre.LCCI QualificationsThen there are the qualifications from Pearson and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. These were developed by businesses themselves â€" so the content is sure to be super on-point.There are more of these qualifications. However, luckily enough, the important ones can be sat online.You can find out more about all of these qualifications in our article on business English exams! Learn business English properly.How to Learn Business English? Some Books and ResourcesFinally, how are you going to practise your business English at home? How are you going to keep developing your knowledge even when you are not in class? What do you need to make the most out of your study?The answer really is effective resources â€" and the internet is actually full of them. We’ll give you a brief run-through of the big ones here â€" but you can find more information in our article on business English resources.One website that is helpful is actually called just Business English Resources â€" and it is heaving with different exercises, word banks, and grammar rules that will keep you going.Otherwise, explore the British Council’s Learn English website, which is similarly rich in helpful material.Resources are not just those things specifically designed for your learning, however. Newspapers such as the Financial Times are incredibly helpful in showing you authentic language. A nd your native English speaking friends too!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Factoring Polynomials

Factoring Polynomials Solution of a simple equation depends only on the following axioms:- 1. If to equal we add equals the sums are equal. 2. If from equals we take equals the remainders are equal. 3. If equals are multiplied by equals the products are equal. 4. If equals are divided by equals the quotients are equal. Example 1.To solve the equation 7 x = 14 dividing both sides by 7 we get x = 2 Example 2.To solve the equation x/2 = -6 multiplying by 2 both sides we get x = - 12 Example 3.To solve the equation 7x 2 x x = 10 23 15 By collecting terms on each side, we get 4 x = - 28 dividing by 4, we get x = - 7 Example 4.Resolve into factors 2 x2y3 6 x2y2 + 2 xy3 2 x2y3 6 x2y2 + 2 xy3 = 2 xy (xy2 3 xy + y2) = 2 xy2 (xy 3 x + y) Example 5.Resolve into factors 6 x3 9 x2y + 12 x y2 6 x3 9 x2y + 12 x y2 = 3 x (2 x 3 xy + 4 y2 ) Example 6.Resolve the factors x2 ax + bx - ab x2 ax + bx - ab = (x2 ax) + (bx ab) x2 ax + bx ab = x (x - a) + b (x a) x2 ax + bx ab = (x - a) (x + b)

Equation for Volume of a Cone

Equation for Volume of a Cone Volume is an amount of 3-dimesional space occupied by an object. The equation or formula for volume of a cone is v = ( 1/3) x r2h. Here, the base is the circle. We know r is the radius of the base of the cone and h is the height of the cone. Example 1: Find the volume of the cone with radius 9 cm and height 7 cm. Solution: From the problem we can write, Radius = r = 9 cm and height = h = 7 cm. We know the formula to find the volume of a cone That is v = (1/3) x r2h Now we can plug the values in this formula, then we can write Volume = v = ( 1/3)x 22/7x 92x 7. From this we can write, v = 22 x 27 = 594 cubic cm. Example 2: Find the volume of the cone with radius 3 cm and height 14 cm. Solution: From the problem we can write, Radius = r = 3 cm and height = h = 14 cm. We know the formula to find the volume of a cone That is v =(1/3 )x r2h Now we can plug the values in this formula, then we can write Volume = v = ( 1/3)x 22/7x 32x 14. From this we can write, v = 22 x 3 x 2 =132 cubic cm.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Sympathy or Empathy English Listening Exercise

Sympathy or Empathy English Listening Exercise I like this video because it touches one of the most important parts of our lives, human relationships. How do we deal with other peoples life struggles? What is the difference between Empathy and Sympathy? She has a funny way of explaining the difference.The video also has some good English vocabulary and phrases, including at least. Although, she argues that it isnt a good way to relate to people and I agree it is an important phrase in English to understand and be able to use.Watch the video and do the exercise:1. What does she say is the difference between empathy and sympathy?2. Who is Teresa Wiseman?3. What are the four qualities of an empathetic person?4. Im _________, its dark and Im __________.5. Ooh, its bad down there, no? You want a _______?6. Why is empathy scary? What do you have to do to connect with people?7. Empathy rarely begins with __ ______8. We are trying to put a ______ ________ around it. What does that phrase mean?Writing: What do you do when someone you know tells you about a difficult situation? Are there times when you cant be empathetic? Why?

The Money Talk Conversations Every Parent should have with their ADHD Child

The Money Talk Conversations Every Parent should have with their ADHD Child Did you know that adults with ADHD are 3 times as likely to suffer from significant financial stress as adults without ADHD? Research also shows that they are twice as likely to receive financial assistance from their parents at young adults, and about 50% more likely to struggle to save money and pay their bills. Managing money is challenging for everyone, but especially for someone with ADHD. So, its important to start discussing money with kids who have ADHD and to start early! Need some help getting started with The Money Talk with your preschool or elementary school child? I like breaking up the Money Talk into three smaller mini-talks over the course of a few weeks. Kids with ADHD learn best through hands on activities. So Ive also included some activities that you can use during your conversations. Mini-Money Talk #1: Where Money Comes From. In your initial conversation about money, its important to lay a solid foundation starting with where money comes from. (Hint: It comes from working!). Talk about your job, and the jobs that other people have make sure to include a variety of professions. Share stories about your first job, and how it felt to earn your first paycheck! Mini-Money Talk #2: The Difference Between a Want and a Need. In this second conversation, let you child know that the money you earn at a job can be spent on all kinds of things. But ultimately things fall into two categories: wants and needs. Needs are things our family has to have: food for dinner, water for the shower, and electricity for the lights. But wants are extras things that we dont need to have, but it might be nice to have. And we cant buy wants until we have met our needs. Share a personal story about something special that you wanted, but had to save up to buy so that you could pay for the things you needed first. Wants Needs Activity: On Post-It notes, write down the amount of money that goes toward different needs (housing, food, gas electric, school, etc.). Together with your child, count out the money for each category. Then count out the amount that is left to spend on fun things the things that you want. Ask your child how he or she thinks they should spend the money in the want pile. Would he or she spend it now, or save it up for something special? Mini-Money Talk #3: How Credit Cards Work. Credit cards make the concept of money even harder for kids to understand. Yet, its the number one way that kids see us spending money so its not a topic that we can ignore. I recommend explaining how credit cards work through an activity rather than a conversation. Credit Card Activity: Have your child set up a pretend store at home, with price tags on the items. Then have your child use a credit card to buy some things in the store. Next, act as the credit card bill collector and write up a bill for the purchase. Give your child the bill, and have them count out the money (real or pretend money) to pay the bill and hand it over to you. This will help them understand how credit cards and money are connected. Next time youre in a store, point out that youre going to need to send the credit card company some hard earned cash for those purchases when you get home! Once youve opened the door with your first mini-conversations about money, it will be much easier to keep talking about this topic with your child. You may even find your child asking questions the next time he or she sees you spending money at a store or leaving a tip at a restaurant. This curiosity is great, and will encourage you to keep the lessons coming! Ill be following up with a post about how to use an allowance to teach kids with ADHD about money. By then youll have already had your money conversations and will be more than ready for this next step! ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit www.huntingtonfranchise.com. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

This Ghosting App Could Be Your New Best Friend

This Ghosting App Could Be Your New Best Friend pixabay.com But with this new age of technology also comes a new age of creeps, particularly online predators. You can now be catfished by almost anyone, you can be hacked or you can simply be annoyed by continuing incoming messages from an individual that you aren’t interested in. While you’re on your own with the catfishing and hacking (just be smart, people), there is a better way to avoid incoming messages without being outwardly rude. And, shockingly, the solution comes in the form of an app. It’s called Ghostbot. For those that aren’t aware, ghosting is the new age term for disappearing from a person you aren’t interested in, i.e. ending all conversation with someone you aren’t interested in. In the past, you would simply stop replying or avoid this person. But in the age of technology, Ghostbot will do all the work for you. So exactly what is Ghostbot? It’s a new app that “will detect incoming texts from a person you’re hoping to cease all communication with and send unenthusiastic automated responses.” Simply: the app sends rejection texts for you. Is this necessary? No. Is it helpful? Yup. Turning someone down is awkward and it’s often difficult to come up with excuses to spare someone’s feelings. The app removes this awkwardness completely. In fact, the user really doesn’t have to do a thing (aside from downloading the app, of course). According to Will Carter, the co-founder of Ad Hoc Labs the company behind Ghostbot “We hear a lot of anecdotes about terrible texting from dating matches, but sometimes blocking someone creates an awkward social circumstance. Ghostbot helps you go through the motion of ghosting someone without negative consequences.” The app came to be after another app, Burner, an app that comes up with temporary numbers to give to people and the two are meant to be used in conjunction with one another. Of course, while Burner is typically used for dating, it also functions as an app for use with salesmen or “anyone you want to conceal your real number from.” The team behind Burner partnered with Voxable, a team of “bot makers,” and Peter Miriani, a screenwriter, to make sure that the automated messages were personable and didn’t sound automated. The goal was to have a human personality, otherwise the app isn’t doing its job. pixabay.com According to Carter, “It’s designed to be noncommittal but also have a little bit of snark or character when it interprets a message that’s provocative.” And for anyone that’s ever been sent provocative messages on a dating app, this is good news. The bot will send your message loud and clear, without you having to put any thought into it. If the app detects lewd comments, provocative statements, “booty call” messages or anything similar, it will send messages that include the poop emoji or the thumbs-down emoji. According to Carter, “we didn’t want the bot to escalate or be too over-the-top or mean.” However, for those that are interested in using the app, it’s not recommended that you do so for your personal relationships. In other words: the bot was not designed to end your long-term relationship or to screen your family member’s text messages. According to Carter, “It’s really designed with a specific use case of empowering people to not have to deal with uncomfortable situations.” So for those genuinely using dating apps to find a partner, this app is going to help you weed through the matches that aren’t quite the right fit, making it a time saver while simultaneously sparing you from some awkward rejections. For instance, if you are being pushed to go on a date with someone you aren’t interested in, the bot will reply with a variety of messages, from “Nope” to excuses such as “I just have no time right now.” The app has personality, and that’s what’s going to be useful to its users it’s going to feel like a real interaction, even if the responses are all automated. According to Carter, “People sometimes try to make the bot like them. It won’t, even if the person is completely charming.” Ghostbot isn’t going to put up with any time wasters, and now you don’t have to either. So stand aside dating app creepers there’s a new app in town, and it’s tired of your crap. So download the app now and avoid the awkwardness! Take back control of your love life. pixabay.com

An Honest Review of Mondly Tech as Learning Aid or Gimmick

An Honest Review of Mondly Tech as Learning Aid or Gimmick An Honest Review of Mondly: Tech as Learning Aid or Gimmick? How can an alligator in your bedroom help you learn a language?Is there really anything a robot companion  can do to get you to improve?And, more importantly, is all this worth paying for?Mondly is a language learning app that has a lot of buzz surrounding it, especially after  winning a few awards when it burst onto the scene a couple of years ago.Its based around a combination of daily lessons focused on games and translations into your language, a chatbot and unique augmented reality features.But is it worth the hype? We delve into the main features in this Mondly review and then take a look at what the program does wellâ€"as well as what needs improvement. An Honest Review of Mondly: Tech as Learning Aid or Gimmick?The Key Principles of MondlyDaily useLike many other language apps you can carry in your pocket, Mondly places an emphasis on short but frequent lessons. It prepares a daily lesson for you, with sentences and new vocabulary that you can learn in your target language. Everything you learn is then recapped at the end of the class, and you can go back and review it at a later point.Whats more, you get daily reminders as notifications. You can set these to appear at a time convenient to you. So, if you prefer to learn first thing in the morning, you can ask the app to remind you at 7 a.m.; on the other hand, if you want to do some studying on your lunch break at work, set it to 1 p.m.As you continue your language learning journey, Mondly keeps you informed of how well youve been maintaining your daily study regimen.Translation into your L1Unlike methods of learning which focus purely on the target language, Mondly encourages you to learn to translate between your mother tongue or a language you already speak well and the language you want to learn.This is done through a mixture of typing, speaking and choosing words from a list. You can also hear the words spoken in your target language so that you start to associate the written word with the spoke n one.In practice, this means that its a little bit easier to get into learning than it otherwise would be. Mondly prides itself on having a large number of options for the base language, and youll find yourself processing the information well, especially at the early stages.Variety of learning methodsWe all know that learning a new language can feel like a bit of a slog at times. Thats why mixing it up is important!Mondlys model combines daily lessons tailored for you with a pathway through the various topics and levels involved in learning a new language. This is combined with innovative features such as the augmented reality lessons and a chatbot.Well go into more detail about each of these below, but the beauty of Mondly is in their combination. Youre never using the exact same method all the time, so you wont get bored!Mondly FeaturesDaily lessonsThe way Mondly gets you to keep up your language practice is by providing you with daily lessons. Each day, youll get a notification reminding you that your lesson is available.Through game-like exercises, youre introduced to new vocabulary and relevant phrases for a given topic. For instance, you might have a daily lesson about travel, in which case youll learn the words for airport, passport and a way of saying I am here on business. At the end of the lesson, youre reminded of the new words and phrases you learned in that session.For those who have used an app like Duolingo, these daily lessons look very familiar. In fact, the format and style of the lessons are almost exactly the same. This isnt necessarily a bad thing as its a format that works. But what makes Mondly more unique? Thats where the other features come in.ChatbotThe language learning chatbot is designed to emulate a conversation, giving you a chance to put the language youre learning into practice.The app gives you a virtual interlocutor and youre invited to respond to conversational prompts, such as a general greeting or a restaurant role-play. Mondly suggests some responses to these, but itll also accept other correct replies.Although the conversations themselves are far from realistic, the speech-to-text functionality in Mondly is pretty good, allowing for this to be enjoyable rather than a chore. At first, you can just go with the suggested responses, but its nice to try and think about what else you could say, too!Augmented realityThis function is a big selling point for Mondly. Using augmented reality technology, you can generate a CGI teacher in your office, living room or wherever!Your teacher will speak to you in your language, before conjuring objects to teach you about them. The first lesson is about animals, and she makes a big impression by appearing to create a lion out of thin air.Some elements of this feature arent bad. While just giving you the names of animals and the like is nothing groundbreaking, you can approach them and see vocabulary, for example, for different body parts and related vocabulary with a visual aid.This means you can learn the word for nose while seeing it on the nose of a lion. I first checked out Mondly a while ago, and I still remember that  il becco is beak in Italian thanks to a cute computer-generated chicken!Having said that, the augmented reality in Mondly, unfortunately, feels more like a gimmick than an effective learning tool. The lessons cant really be halted and resumed at will, making them less effective if youre pushed for time.Meanwhile, the robotic voice and smooth features of your new lecturer make the whole experience quite uncanny!The Pros of MondlyThere are definitely a few things going on in Mondly that make it worthy of some investigation if youre keen to use your smartphone to help you learn.Innovative features to keep you interestedLanguage learning software is an increasingly competitive field, so even when it doesnt quite hit the mark, its good to see the developers of Mondly being somewhat innovative in their features.Theres a certain w ow factor to the augmented reality and a real bonus that it works in every language, while the chat features and effective speech-to-text software make for a varied and engaging experience.Competitive elementBy completing lessons in Mondly, you earn points. These affect your place on a leaderboard, both against all other users in the world and any of your friends who you may have on the app.A bit of competitive spirit helps get things going, so theres nothing like sitting below your colleague in the table to motivate you to do a few more lessons!A large array of source and target languagesMondly boasts 33 languages, all of which can be used as either source or target languages. That means its just as easy to be a French speaker learning Afrikaans as it is to be a Mandarin speaker learning Italian.Some of the languages could do with further developmentâ€"for example, the alphabet switching when youre learning Arabic isnt perfect and causes some of the options to jump around in transl ation exercisesâ€"but this is a real strength, especially for people who are frustrated by the number of tools that focus too much on using English as a base.The Cons of MondlyHaving said all of that, Mondly has some drawbacks that are quite disappointing as you try to push on in your learning.Lack of differentiation between levelsA huge drawback of Mondly is that its too heavily aimed at lower levels. When you first sign up, youre asked what level you already have in the language. I had a go at Italian (in which Im around an upper-intermediate level) and Arabic (at which Im a complete beginner) but the classes and materials were exactly the same!Mondly might be a good way to get an entry into a new level, but its not as good a platform as the likes of FluentU, which use authentic materials aimed at all different levels.FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. It makes authentic material approachable whether youre a complete beginner or an advanced student.For those looking to deepen their understanding and usage of a language they already somewhat know, Mondly is far from ideal. By pairing Mondly with more robust language learning programs like FluentU, you can increase your learning scope and apply newly learned information to authentic context.It has a monthly feeWhile theres a free version that allows you to try some features, the amount you can use is extremely limited. You can access some daily lessons but only the first conversation of the chatbot and the first set of vocabulary lessons. Packages start from $9.99 per month, and this gives you access only to a single language.This is a bit limiting, especially when you consider that other programs, like FluentU, allow you to access all the languages they offer under one umbrella subscription.Some features feel contrivedWhile I appreciate Mondlys attempts at innovation, the result is often so mething that feels a long way from natural. The conversations in the chatbot are stilted, while the augmented reality function really just replays set pieces in a way that captures your interest at first but loses its impact as the novelty fades.There are plenty of programs that use tech to improve your experience, but do it in a balanced and natural way. FluentU, for instance, uses interactive subtitles, video-enhanced flashcards and adaptive quizzes that take your prior learning into account  to create a personalized learning experience.Innovative technology is an excellent way to maintain learner interest and motivation. If youre taken in by the cool tech of Mondly, then enjoy! If youd rather have something more authentic and natural, you might want to look elsewhere.We hope youve learned everything you want to know about the program in our Mondly review!While Mondly makes some interesting moves in the field of language learning, its hard to escape the feeling that the good parts are rehashed from existing platforms and the areas in which theyve tried to innovate still need some work. Its worth downloading the free version and, if the features strike your fancy, have a go. However, with the price still far from cheap for a product like this, it has a way to go before catching up to some of the leaders in the area.

ISAC Teach in China Program

ISAC Teach in China Program ISAC Teach in China Program International School Alliance of China or ISAC is a government certified recruitment firm (Licensed by the Ministry of Human Resources). We work with public universities, public high and primary schools in China to bring qualified educators into Chinese classrooms. We are based in Hangzhou, a city with both western influrence and Chinese traditional culture. ISACs mission is to bring responsible and qualified teachers into Chinese classrooms and assist them with a safe, smooth and trustworthy transition at their host schools. Teach in China Program ISAC Teach in China Program is a sum of teaching programs ISAC run to recruit teachers at the participating schools. ISAC work consistently anddedicatedly to improve the program standards to bring more teachers into Chinese public universities and schools. University Teaching Program: we work with public universities in China including Shanghai Normal University, Zhejiang Financial College in Hangzhou, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics in Nanchang etc. Hangzhou Program: we work with Hangzhou Education Bureau to host foreign teachers at public primary secondary schools in Hangzhou, one of the most beautiful and foreigner friendly cities in China. National Teaching Program: we work with public primary secondary schools in areas out of Hangzhou. We wish to become the Chinese version of South Koreas EPIK and Japans JET program. We hope that teachers who come to China can have the most fulfilled Chinese experience. You can explore different parts of China at our participating institutions in Yunnan (famous for its diverse ethnics), Jiangxi (famous for the greenery), Fujian (for coastal scene and seafood) and many more provinces. Keep an open mind and live your fullest expat life in China. Come join us for the 2019/20 school year! View our Brochure